Group Purpose Statement

<aside> 💡 We are a group of founders, creators, and changemakers dedicated to authentically connecting & growing personally and professionally while collaborating, serving, and challenging others to grow.


A space where people believe for each other, things which each, alone, may find difficult to conceive and believe for himself or herself - Jack Boland

Norms & Guidelines

  1. Respect everyone – ****honour other people as a person even if you don’t like them
  2. Attendance requirements – A minimum of 60% of percent attendance is required from out of every 3 masterminds
  3. Attention & participation  – Be fully present (no multi-tasking or side conversations) & prepared to fully participate
  4. Accountability – If a member makes a promise to complete a task, they should be held accountable to do so. Regular check-ins during meetings keep members on track.
  5. Connection – Be yourself, Mastermind groups can yield networking opportunities, but they are organic rather than structured.
  6. Confidentiality – Mastermind groups are intentional safe spaces where members can bring their problems, challenges and concerns. Nothing that’s said inside the mastermind group can be shared outside it.
  7. Honesty – If members are not willing, to be honest about what’s going on in their lives, and if they’re not honest in their conversations among group members, then they must leave